Perfect for Camps & Smaller Schools!
- DAY 1
- Morning
- Show “BIZ” not Show “Art”
- The ShowBiz Machine
- Afternoon
- Planning Your Life
- Feeding The Artistic Spirit
- Q&A
Perfect for Universities & Conservatories
- DAY 1
- Show “BIZ” not Show “Art”
- DAY 2
- The ShowBiz Machine
- DAY 3
- Planning Your Life
- DAY 4
- Feeding The Artistic Spirit
- DAY 5
- Field Trip*/Mock Audition
Perfect for High Schools
- DAY 1
- Morning
- Show “BIZ” not Show “Art”
- Afternoon
- The ShowBiz Machine
- DAY 2
- Morning
- Planning Your Life
- Afternoon
- Feeding The Artistic Spirit
- DAY 3
- Field Trip*/Mock Auditionon
The Professional Skills for Actors Workshop™ is the perfect supplement to your existing curriculum. Available in 1, 3, and 5 day Sessions, this workshop provides essential information your students will need to go from matriculation to occupation, while saving your organization the time and expense of developing new courses. For schools in the major markets, The Workshop features panel discussions with Casting Directors, Agents, and Union Representatives speaking frankly about the business, and how to navigate it as both a professional and an Artist. Treat your students to a week that can set them up for years to come.
*Available to schools in the primary markets: NYC, L.A. Chicago, Atlanta